The spider who built a city in one day, 2021
Immersive video performance, camera, clay, ceramic objects, wooden tabletops
working as green screen, monitor, OBS software, 14’ 34”
A spider builds a city in one day. The creation of the city is filmed and broadcast live on a flat screen via broadcast software. Slowly, the spider's story unfolds through subtitles superimposed on the live footage.
The audience, which is also filmed, becomes part of the universe and thus also watches its own viewing. The manipulation of the green color transforms the grass and green table tops into an urban landscape.
This performance explores the relationship between video, clay and vulnerability. It questions presence and absence, womanhood and vulnerability in an environment that is moving, aggressive and then soft.
A spider builds a city in one day. The creation of the city is filmed and broadcast live on a flat screen via broadcast software. Slowly, the spider's story unfolds through subtitles superimposed on the live footage.
The audience, which is also filmed, becomes part of the universe and thus also watches its own viewing. The manipulation of the green color transforms the grass and green table tops into an urban landscape.
This performance explores the relationship between video, clay and vulnerability. It questions presence and absence, womanhood and vulnerability in an environment that is moving, aggressive and then soft.
As part of a thesis research by Natalie Van Puymbroeck on the conservation of media performances (VUB Brussels, 2022-2023) , the version of this performance at Grafixx festival 2022 was translated into a digital environment.
(re)visit this performanc by clicking on the screen above. Use your mouse to look around and your arrowkeys to walk in the space.
Grafixx Festival, Antwerp, 2022
Concept and development: Sarah Lauwers
Performance: Sarah Lauwers and Jonas Beerts
more live video performance